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Gao BB, Zhao SS, Zhang ZX, Li LS, Hu KM, Kaziem A, He ZZ, Hua XD, Shi HY, Wang MH*. A potential biomarker of isofenphos-methyl in humans: A chiral view. Environment International. 2019; 127: 694-703.

Gao BB, Zhang ZX, Li LS, Kaziem A, He ZZ, Yang QW, Qing PY, Zhang Q, Wang MH*. Stereoselective environmental behavior and biological effect of the chiral organophosphorus insecticide isofenphos-methyl. Science of the Total Environment. 2019; 648: 703-710.

Gao BB, Poma G, Malarvannan G, Bastiaensen M, Covaci A*. (2021) Development of an analytical method based on solid-phase extraction and LC-MS/MS for the monitoring of current-use pesticides and their metabolites in human urine. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2021; 111: 153-163.

Gao BB, Zhang Q, Tian MM, Zhang ZX, Wang MH*. Enantioselective determination of the chiral pesticide isofenphos-methyl in vegetables, fruits, and soil and its enantioselective degradation in pakchoi using HPLC with UV detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2016; 408: 6719-6727.