


本科毕业于南京医科大学首届生物统计学专业(2003-2008),同年免试攻读本校流行病与卫生统计学专业博士(2008-2013),毕业后留校任教。曾在美国哈佛大学从事呼吸系统疾病基因组学博士后工作(2015-2017)。主要研究兴趣是生物医学高维数据统计理论方法及临床应用,累计发表学术论文超百篇。其中,以第一、通讯作者身份发表一系列高质量论文,包括:Journal of Thoracic Oncology (2022)Intensive Care Medicine (2015)Journal of Advanced Research (2024)Molecular Cancer (2021)JAMA Network Open (2021)eBioMedicine (2023/2022/2018)NPJ Precision Oncology (2021)Chest (2020)Statistics in Medicine (2024)等。部分成果被遴选为Journal of Thoracic Oncology主编推荐论文、Molecular Oncology杂志封面论文、2020年度亮点研究,被WHO主办2020 World Cancer Day收录,被Elsevier出版社环境健康百科全书》和Springer出版社《重症监护与急诊医学2020年度进展》正面引用,被科技日报、学习强国等新闻报道。



Ruyang Zhang, B.Med, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Nanjing Medical University (Nanjing, China), and is the elected member of the Outstanding Young Backbone Teacher of Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province and the Outstanding Young Level Academic Leadership Training Program of Nanjing Medical University. He achieved B.Med of Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics) and PhD of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University (Mentor: Professor Feng Chen) and finished two-year postdoctoral research works of genetic oncology at School of Public Health, Harvard University (Advisor: Professor David C. Christiani).

Dr. Zhang’s major research interests primarily lie in the gene-gene, gene-environment and environment-environment interaction study of risk and prognosis of complex diseases of respiratory system (e.g., lung cancer and ARDS), risk and prognostic prediction model construction of complex diseases, and methodology of clinical trials. Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Harvard-NIOSH Education and Research Center Pilot Study, Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China,  etc., he published a series of SCI-indexed papers as first and corresponding authors, including Journal of Thoracic Oncology (2022),  Intensive Care Medicine (2015), Journal of Advanced Research (2024)Molecular Cancer (2021), JAMA Network Open (2021), eBioMedicine (2023/2022/2018), NPJ Precision Oncology (2021), Chest (2020), Statistics in Medicine (2024), etc. Dr. Zhang was awarded the Second Prize of Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award of Ministry of Education of China (2019) and Second Prize of Medical Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province (2020).





2:复杂疾病风险、预后预测模型构建方法与应用研究(ARTEMISAPOLLOATHENA ProphetOWL







1.       Chen L#, Wang X#, Xie N#, Zhang Z#, Xu X#, Xue M, Yang Y, Liu L, Su L, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Christiani DC, Chen F*, Zhang R*. A two-phase epigenome-wide four-way gene-smoking interaction study of overall survival for early-stage NSCLC. Molecular Oncology. 2024 Dec 4. In Press. 末位通讯作者

2.       Xue M#, Xu Z#, Wang X#, Chen J, Kong X, Zhou S, Wu J, Zhang Y, Li Y, Christiani DC, Chen F*, Zhao Y*, Zhang R*. ARTEMIS: an independently validated prognostic prediction model of breast cancer incorporating epigenetic biomarkers with main effects and gene-gene interactions. Journal of Advanced Research. 202Aug 11:S2090-1232(24)00358-8.  在线平台文章简介2019级生物统计班本科毕业论文末位通讯作者

3.     Sun N#, Chu J, He Q, Wang Y, Han Q, Yi N, Zhang R*, Shen Y*. BHAFT: Bayesian heredity-constrained accelerated failure time models for detecting gene-environment interactions in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 2024 Sep 20;43(21):4013-4026. 方法学论文、并列通讯作者

4.     Ye Q#, Wang X#, Xu X#, Chen J, Chen F, Christiani DC, Zhang R*, Wei Y*. Dynamic Prediction of Prognosis in ICU Sepsis Patients through Repeated Platelet Measurements. Burns & Trauma. 2024 12: tkae016并列通讯作者

5.     Xu Z#, Chen X#, Song X#, Kong X#, Chen J, Song Y, Xue M, Qiu L, Geng M, Xue C*, Zhang W*, Zhang R*. ATHENA: an independently validated autophagy-related epigenetic prognostic prediction model of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Clinical Epigenetics. 2023 Jun 9;15(1):97在线平台7年制口腔医学专业硕士毕业论文末位通讯作者

6.     Chen J#, Tang J#, Nie M, Li Y, Wurfel MM, Meyer NJ, Wei Y, Zhao Y, Frank AJ, Thompson BT, Christiani DC*, Chen F*, Zhang R*. WNT9A affects late-onset ARDS and 28-day survival: evidence from a three-step multi-omics study. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2023 Aug;69(2):220-229. 末位通讯作者

7.     Pan Z#, Zhang R#, Shen S, Lin Y, Zhang L, Wang X, Ye Q, Wang X, Chen J, Zhao Y, Christiani DC, Li Y, Chen F*, Wei Y*. OWL: an optimized and independently validated machine learning prediction model for lung cancer screening based on the UK Biobank, PLCO, and NLST populations. eBioMedicine2023 Feb;88:104443. 在线平台并列第一作者

8.     Chen J#, Song Y#, Li Y, Wei Y, Shen S, Zhao Y, You D, Su L, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Shen H, Christiani DC, Zhang R*, Chen F*. A trans-omics assessment of gene-gene interaction in early stage NSCLC. Molecular Oncology. 2023 Jan;17(1):173-187. 第一通讯作者

9.     Chen J#, Gao X#, Shen S#, Xu J, Sun Z, Lin R, Dai Z, Su L, Christiani DC, Chen F, Zhang R*, Wei Y*. Association of Longitudinal Platelet Count Trajectory with ICU Mortality: A Multi-cohort Study. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022 Aug 19;13:936662. 第一通讯作者

10.     Zhang R#, Shen S#, Wei Y#, Zhu Y, Li Y, Chen J, Guan J, Pan Z, Wang Y, Zhu M, Xie J, Xiao X, Zhu D, Li Y, Albanes D, Landi MT, Caporaso N, Lam S, Tardon A, Chen C, Bojesen SE, Johansson M, Risch A, Bickeböller H, Wichmann HE, Rennert G, Arnold S, Brennan P, McKay J, Field JK, Shete SS, Marchand LL, Liu G, Andrew A, Kiemeney LA, Zienolddiny-Narui S, Behndig A, Johansson M, Cox A, Lazarus P, Schabath MB, Aldrich MC, Dai J, Ma H, Zhao Y, Hu Z, Hung RJ, Amos CI, Shen H*, Chen F*, Christiani DC*. A large-scale genome-wide gene-gene interaction study of lung cancer susceptibility in Europeans with a trans-ethnic validation in Asians. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2022 Apr 30; 17(8):974-990. 文章简介主编推荐论文、杂志同期配以述评(Editorial)第一作者

11.    Zhang R#, Li Y#, Chen F*, Christiani DC*. Reply to Scott et al: Gene-Gene interaction in ever-smokers with lung cancer: Is there confounding by COPD in GWAS?. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2023 Mar;18(3):e24-e26. 第一作者

12.   Chen J#, Shen S#, Li Y#, Fan J#, Xiong S, Xu J, Zhu C, Lin L, Dong X, Duan W, Zhao Y, Qian X, Liu Z, Wei Y, Christiani DC*, Zhang R*, Chen F*. APOLLO: an accurate and independently validated prediction model of Lower-grade gliomas overall survival and a comparative study. eBioMedicine2022 May;79:104007. 在线平台文章简介、第一通讯作者

13.   Ji X#, Lin L#, Fan J#, Li Y, Wei Y, Shen S, Su L, Shafer A, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Zhang R*, Chen F*, Christiani DC. Epigenome-wide three-way interaction study identifies a complex pattern between TRIM27, KIAA0226, and smoking associated with overall survival of early-stage NSCLC. Molecular Oncology. 2022 Feb;16(3):717-731. 第一通讯作者

14.   Shen S#, Zhang R#, Jiang Y, Li Y, Lin L, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Shen H, Hu Z, Wei Y*, Chen F*. Comprehensive analyses of m6A regulators and interactive coding and non-coding RNAs across 32 cancer types. Molecular Cancer. 2021 Apr 13;20(1):67. 文章简介并列第一作者

15.   Shen S#, Wei Y#, Li Y, Duan W, Dong X, Lin L, You D, Tardon A, Chen C, Field JK, Hung RJ, Liu G, Zhu D, Amos CI, Su L, Zhao Y, Hu Z, Shen H, Zhang R*, Chen F*, Christiani DC*.A multi-omics study links TNS3 and SEPT7 to long-term former smoking NSCLC survival. NPJ Precision Oncology. 2021May 17;5(1):39. 文章简介第一通讯作者

16.   Lin L#, Zhang R#, Huang H, Zhu Y, Li Y, Dong X, Shen S, Wei L, Chen X, Christiani DC, Wei Y*, Chen F*.Mendelian Randomization with Refined Instrumental Variables From Genetic Score Improves Accuracy and Reduces Bias. Frontiers in Genetics. 2021Mar 17;12:618829. 方法学论文并列第一作者

17.  Dong X#, He J#, Lin L#, Zhu Y, Chen C, Su L, Zhao Y, Zhang R*, Wei Y*, Chen F*, Christiani DC. Association Between Aspirin Use and Lung Cancer Incidence Depends on High-Frequency Use, Bodyweight, and Age in U.S. AdultsTranslational Lung Cancer Research. 2021 Jan. 10 (1): 392-401. 第一通讯作者

18.   Wei Y#, Huang H#, Zhang R#, Zhu Z, Zhu Y, Lin L, Dong X, Wei L, Chen X, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Su L, Chen F*, Christiani DC*.Association of Serum Mannose with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Risk and Survival. JAMA Network Open. 2021 Jan; 4(1):e2034569. 文章简介并列第一作者

19.   Ji X#, Lin L#, Shen S, Dong X, Chen C, Li Y, Zhu Y, Huang H, Chen J, Chen X, Wei L, He J, Duan W, Su L, Jiang Y, Fan J, Guan J, You D, Shafer A, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Wei Y*, Zhang R*, Chen F, Christiani DC. Epigenetic-smoking interaction reveals histologically heterogeneous effects of TRIM27 DNA methylation on overall survival among early-stage NSCLC patients. Molecular Oncology. 2020 Nov; 14 (11): 2759-2774. 文章简介杂志封面文章江苏省普通高校本科优秀毕业论文(2015级生物统计班本科毕业论文)、第一通讯作者

20.   Zhang R#,*, Chen C#, Dong X#, Shen S, Lai L, He J, You D, Lin L, Zhu Y, Huang H, Chen J, Wei L, Chen X, Li Y, Guo Y, Duan W, Liu L, Su L, Shafer A, Fleischer T, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Wang R, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Wei Y*, Chen F*, Christiani DC. Independent validation of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer prognostic scores incorporating epigenetic and transcriptional biomarkers with gene-gene interactions and main effects. Chest. 2020 Aug; 158 (2): 808-819. 在线平台文章简介第一兼并列通讯作者

21.   Zhang R#, Lai L#, Dong X, He J, You D, Chen C, Lin L, Zhu Y, Huang H, Shen S, Wei L, Chen X, Guo Y, Liu L, Su L, Shafer A, Moran S, Fleischer T, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Wei Y*, Chen F*, Christiani DC. SIPA1L3 methylation modifies the benefit of smoking cessation on lung adenocarcinoma survival: An epigenomic–smoking interaction analysis. Molecular Oncology. 2019 May;13(5):1235-1248. 2020年世界癌症日收录论文第一作者

22.   Zhang R#, Lai L#, He J#, Chen C, You D, Duan W, Dong X, Zhu Y, Lin L, Shen S, Guo Y, Su L, Shafer A, Moran S, Fleischer T, Bjaanæs MM, Karlsson A, Planck M, Staaf J, Helland Å, Esteller M, Wei Y*, Chen F*, Christiani DC*. EGLN2 DNA methylation and expression interact with HIF1A to affect survival of early-stage NSCLC. Epigenetics. 2019 Feb;14(2):118-129. 第一作者

23.   Duan W#, Zhang R#, Zhao Y, Shen S, Wei Y, Chen F*, Christiani DC. Bayesian variable selection for parametric survival model with applications to cancer omics data. Human Genomics. 2018Nov 6;12(1):49. 方法学论文并列第一作者

24.   Zhang R#, Wang Z, Tejera P, Frank AJ, Wei Y, Su L, Zhu Z, Guo Y, Chen F, Bajwa EK, Thompson BT, Christiani DC*. Late-onset moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome is associated with shorter survival and higher mortality: a two-stage association study. Intensive Care Medicine. 2017 Mar; 43(3):399-407.  文章简介第一作者

25.   Zhang R#, Chu M#, Zhao Y#, Wu C, Guo H, Shi Y, Dai J, Wei Y, Jin G, Ma H, Dong J, Yi H, Bai J, Gong J, Sun C, Zhu M, Wu T, Hu Z, Lin D, Shen H*, Chen F*. A genome-wide gene-environment interaction analysis for tobacco smoke and lung cancer susceptibility. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Jul; 35(7): 1528-1535. WOS高被引论文点评第一作者

26.   Chu M#Zhang R#, Zhao Y#, Wu C, Guo H, Zhou B, Lu J, Shi Y, Dai J, Jin G, Ma H, Dong J, Wei Y, Wang C, Gong J, Sun C, Zhu M, Qiu Y, Wu T, Hu Z, Lin D, Shen H*, Chen F*A genome-wide gene-gene interaction analysis identifies an epistatic gene pair for lung cancer susceptibility in Han Chinese.Carcinogenesis. 2014 Mar 9, 35(3): 572-577. WOS高被引论文点评、并列第一作者

27.   谢宁#, 毕文健#, 张中文, 邵方, 魏永越, 赵杨, 张汝阳*, 陈峰*.全基因组关联研究中极端不平衡数据的统计分析方法(一). 中华流行病学杂志, 2024, 45(11): 1582-1589. 第一通讯作者

28.   谢宁#, 毕文健#, 张中文, 邵方, 魏永越, 赵杨, 张汝阳*, 陈峰*. 全基因组关联研究中极端不平衡数据的统计分析方法(二). 中华流行病学杂志, 2025, 46(1): 147-153. 第一通讯作者



1.        2020年江苏医学科技二等奖(排名第1)

2.        2019年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学二等奖(排名第4)

3.        2018年南京医科大学第六批优秀中青年教师支持计划(排名第1)

4.        2018年南京市第十二届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名第1)

5.        2014年南京医科大学优秀博士论文

6.        2012年中国卫生统计学术年会首届优秀研究生论文一等奖(排名第1)


1.        2021年南京医科大学优秀硕士学术学位论文指导老师(排名第2)

2.        2020南京医科大学创新创业优秀指导教师

3.        2019年度江苏省普通高校本科优秀毕业论文三等奖指导老师(排名第1)

4.        2020年中国大学生计算机设计大赛(大数据组)二等奖指导老师(排名第2)

5.        2019年中国高校SAS数据分析大赛全国一等奖指导老师(排名第1)

6.        2019年中国高校SAS数据分析大赛优秀组织奖(排名第1)

7.        2019年中国大学生计算机设计大赛(大数据组)一等奖指导老师(排名第1)

8.        2019年中国大学生计算机设计大赛(数媒普通组)一等奖指导老师(排名第2)

9.        2019年南京医科大学赵息保奖教金

10.    2019MathorCup高校数学建模挑战赛二等奖指导老师(排名第1)

11.    2019年南京医科大学2019年全国大学生计算机设计大赛校赛一等奖(排名第2)

12.    2019年南京医科大学2019年全国大学生计算机设计大赛校赛二等奖指导老师(排名第1)

13.    2019年美国The Mathematical Contest in Modeling鼓励奖指导老师(排名第1)

14.    2019年南京医科大学创新杯大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖指导老师(排名第1)

15.    2018Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling二等奖指导老师(排名第1)

16.    2019年江苏省高等学校大学生万人计划学术冬令营健康教育作品设计比赛一等奖指导老师(排名第1)

17.    2018年南京医科大学临床5+3优秀本科生导师

18.    2018年中国高校SAS数据分析大赛全国二等奖指导老师(排名第1)

19.    2018年中国高校SAS数据分析大赛全国百强指导老师(排名第1)

20.    2018年首届人卫慕课在线开放课程建设比赛微课制作本科生组全国一等奖(排名第1)

21.    2018年全国高校(医学类)微课教学比赛三等奖(排名第1)

22.    2017年江苏省高等学校微课教学比赛三等奖(排名第1)


1.       中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会卫生统计学教育专业委员会  秘书长

2.       中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会统计与理论方法专业委员会  委员

3.       中国初级卫生保健基金会医学统计公益基金专业委员会  常务委员

4.       江苏省研究型医院学会重症临床研究分会  副主任委员

5.       江苏省研究型医院学会咽喉头颈肿瘤精准诊疗专业委员会  常务委员

6.       江苏省医学会骨质疏松与骨矿盐疾病分会专委会  委员

7.       江苏省抗癌学会肿瘤病因学及流行病学专业委员会  青年委员

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