


余静博士,副教授,中共党员。主要从事卫生检验与检疫专业相关教学及科研工作。1997中国药科大学化学制药专业本科毕业,2003中国药科大学药物分析专业硕士毕业,2010中国药科大学中西医结合基础(药学)博士毕业2015.02-2015.8年在美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校访学进修20038月起在南京医科大学公共卫生学院工作至今。 先后主持并参加国家自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省高校自然科学基金南医大科技发展基金项目、江苏省优势学科等多项国家及省部级课题的研究。近年来发表论文40余篇,申请软件著作权2项。 主持和参加南京医科大学教育研究课题等多项教改课题,并发表多篇教学论文。获得校级教学成果奖(二等奖)一项作为编委,参与卫计委十二五规划教材《空气理化检验》的编写工作,《现代卫生化学》、《卫生化学学习指导与习题集》编写相关工作。主持国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目项,级大学生创新训练计划项目指导省级本科生毕业设计优秀团队3,校级本科生毕业设计优秀团队1





南京市江宁区龙眠大道101号 南京医科大学公共卫生学院卫生检验与检疫学系





Wang Junfeng#; Yu Jing#; Gong Yang; Wu Linlin; Yu Zheng; Wang Jun; Gao Rong; Liu Wenwei; Pollution characteristics, sources and health risk of metals in urban dust from different functional areas in Nanjing, China, Environmental research, 2021, 201:111607

Yao Jiaxi#; Wang Jun#; Wu Linlin; Lu Hhaihua; Wang Zhonghe; Yu Pengfei; Xiao Hang; Gao Rong*; Yu Jing*; Perinatal exposure to bisphenol A causes a disturbance of neurotransmitter metabolic pathways in female mouse offspring: A focus on the tryptophan and dopamine pathways, Chemosphere, 2020, 54:126715

Yao Jiaxi#;Lu haihua#;Wang zhonghe;Wang Tingwei;Fang Fangfang;Wang, Jun;Yu Jing*;Gao Rong*; A sensitive method for the determination of the gender difference of neuroactive metabolites in tryptophan and dopamine pathways in mouse serum and brain by UHPLC-MS/MS, Journal of Chromatography B, 2018, 1093-1094:91-99

Wang Zhonghe#; Yu Jing#; Yao Jiaxi; Wu Linlin; Xiao Hang; Wang Jun; Gao Rong*; Simultaneous identification and quantification of bisphenol A and 12 bisphenol analogues in environmental samples using precolumn derivatization and ultra high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, J Sep Sci 2018, 41(10):2269-2278

Lu Haihua#; Yu Jing#; Wang Jun; Wu Linlin; Xiao Hang;Gao Rong*; Simultaneous quantification of neuroactive dopamine serotonin and kynurenine pathway metabolites in gender-specific youth urine by ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem high resolution mass spectrometry, J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2016, 201, 122:42-51

Lu Haihua#; Yu Jing#; Wu Linlin; Xing Jingjing;Wang Jun;Huang Peipei; Zhang Jinsong;Xiao Hang;Gao Rong*; Optimized ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem high resolution mass spectrometry method for the quantification of paraquat in plasma and urineJournal of Chromatography B, 2016, 1027:96–102