Wang Zhixu


Zhixu Wang, M.D., Ph.D


Major Academic Appointments

Professor, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University

Executive Director of Chinese Nutrition Society

Chairman of the eighth and ninth committees of the Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society

Chairman of  Jiangsu Nutrition Society

Chairman of  the  Maternal and Infant Nutrition Professional Committee of  China Nutrition and Health Food Association

Deputy Head of  Perinatal Nutrition and Metabolism Group, Perinatal Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association

Vice Chairman of the Professional Committee of Early Life Development and Disease Prevention and Control, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association

Vice-chairman of the Child Care Professional Committee of China Maternal and Child Health Association Nursery Institutions

Vice Chairman, Perinatal Nutrition and Metabolism Professional Committee, China Maternal and Child Health Association

Standing Committee Member of Maternal Fetal Medicine Professional Committee of  China Women's Health Research Association

Member of the Nutrition Professional Committee of the National Health Standards Committee

Member of the Scientific Committee of Danone Nutrition Center, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Educational Background and Work Experience

Clinical Medicine, Jining Medical College, Bachelor of Medicine (graduated in 1984)

Qingdao Medical College, majoring in Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Master of  Medicine (graduated in 1991)

Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine majoring in Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Doctor of Medicine (graduated in 2003)

Visiting Scholar and Postdoctoral Fellow, HNRC Nutrition Research Center, Tufts University, USA (2001, 2004, 2009 and 2011)

Teaching Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Medical Nutrition Research Institute, Qingdao University School of Medicine, Deputy Director, Doctoral Supervisor (1991-2008)

Nanjing Medical University School of Public Health, Department of  Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Department of Child and Child Health and Maternal and Child Health (working since 2009)

Research Interest

Maternal and child population nutrition; dietary assessment technology research; and micronutrient research

Contact Information

Address: School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University Zhicheng Building 520, No. 101 Longmian Avenue, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 211166, P.R. China

Tel: +86-025-86868458



WeChat public account: Chief Nutrition


PI, National Science and Technology Basic Resources Survey Special Project Scientific Survey on Maternal Nutrition and Health in China Project Maternal Nutrition and Health Data Platform and Standardized Construction, with a vertical funding of 1.05 million yuan, project implementation period: January 2020 to December 2024.

PI, Horizontal topic: Research and revision of dietary reference intake (DRI) of fat-soluble vitamins, funded by: Chinese Nutrition Society, funded by 150,000 yuan, project implementation period: July 2021 to December 2023.

PI, Horizontal Project: Research on Nutrition and Health Status of Children in China, Funded by: Inner Mongolia Dairy Technology Research Institute, with a funding of 950,000 yuan, project implementation period: September 2021 to December 2022.

PI, Horizontal topic: Chinese mother-infant cohort study on breast milk composition, feeding status and infant health, funded by: Kunling (Beijing) Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd., funding of 863,600 yuan, project implementation period: September 2021 to December 2023.

PI, Horizontal topic: Intervention experimental study on the effects of dietary vitamins on breast milk components for lactating mothers, funded by: Bayer Health Care Co., Ltd., with a funding of 200,000 yuan, project implementation period: July 2019 to December 2022.

 Selected Publications(*corresponding author)

Ding, Y.; Xu, F.; Zhong, C.; Tong, L.; Li, F.; Li, Q.; Chen, R.; Zhou, X.; Li, X.; Cui, W.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, L.; Xu, S.; Liu, C.; Wu, J.; Chen, X.; Gao, Q.; Yang, N.; Wang, Z*. Association between Chinese Dietary Guidelines Compliance Index for Pregnant Women and Risks of Pregnancy Complications in the Tongji Maternal and Child Health Cohort. Nutrients. 2021, 13, 829.

Ding, Y.; Indayati, W.; Basnet, T.B.; Li, F.; Luo, H.; Pan, H.; Wang, Z*. Dietary intake in lactating mothers in China 2018: report of a survey. Nutr. J. 2020, 19.

Ding, Y.; Yang, Y.; Xu, F.; Ye, M.; Hu, P.; Jiang, W.; Li, F.; Fu, Y.; Xie, Z.; Zhu, Y.; Lu, X.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Z*. Association between dietary fatty acid patterns based on principal component analysis and fatty acid compositions of serum and breast milk in lactating mothers in Nanjing, China. Food Funct. 2021, 12, 8704-8714.

Ding, Y.; Yang, Y.; Li, F.; Shao, Y.; Sun, Z.; Zhong, C.; Fan, P.; Li, Z.; Zhang, M.; Li, X.; Jiang, T.; Song, C.; Chen, D.; Peng, X.; Yin, L.; She, Y.; Wang, Z*. Development and validation of a photographic atlas of food portions for accurate quantification of dietary intakes in China. J. Hum. Nutr. Diet. 2021, 34, 604-615.

Ding, Y.; Lu, X.; Xie, Z.; Jiang, T.; Song, C.; Wang, Z*. Evaluation of a Novel WeChat Applet for Image-Based Dietary Assessment among Pregnant Women in China. Nutrients. 2021, 13, 3158.

Ding, Y.; Hu, P.; Yang, Y.; Xu, F.; Li, F.; Lu, X.; Xie, Z.; Wang, Z*. Impact of Maternal Daily Oral Low-Dose Vitamin A Supplementation on the Mother-Infant Pair: A Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial in China. Nutrients. 2021, 13, 2370.

Zhang, C.; Lai, J.; Liu, K.; Yang, N.; Zeng, G.; Mao, L.; Li, Z.; Teng, Y.; Xia, W.; Dai, N.; Wang, Z*.; Su, Y*. Optimal gestational weight gain in Chinese pregnant women by Chinese-specific BMI categories: a multicentre prospective cohort study. Public Health Nutr. 2021, 24, 3210-3220. (co-corresponding author)

Ding, Y.; Li, F.; Hu, P.; Ye, M.; Xu, F.; Jiang, W.; Yang, Y.; Fu, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Lu, X.; Liu, Y.; Xie, Z.; Wang, Z*. Reproducibility and relative validity of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for the Chinese lactating mothers. Nutr. J. 2021, 20.

Ding, Y.; Xie, Z.; Lu, X.; Luo, H.; Pan, H.; Lin, X.; Wu, J.; Wang, Z*. Water Intake in Pregnant Women in China, 2018: The Report of a Survey. Nutrients. 2021, 13, 2219.

Patents and Other Publications

Invention patent: intelligent oil pot. Patent number: 2015 1 1008412.0, authorization announcement date: 2021-6-29; authorization announcement number: CN 105686711 B

Zhixu Wang. A retrospective dietary survey-assisted food measurement map. Nanjing: Jiangsu Phoenix Science and Technology Press, 2021. ISBN978-7-5537-9238-5, Chinese Version Library CIP Data Nuclei (2021) No. 047537

Edited by the Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society (edited by Zhixu Wang). Dietitians explain in detail the nutritious meals for pregnancy and pregnancy - analysis of winning works of the Maternal and Child Diet Nutrition Competition. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, February 2020.

Edited by the Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society (Editor-in-Chief by Zhixu Wang). A nutritionist explains the nutritious meal for confinement - analysis of the winning works of the Maternal and Child Diet Nutrition Competition. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, February 2020.

Edited by the Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society (edited by Zhixu Wang). Nutritionists explain children's nutritious meals - analysis of winning works of the Maternal and Child Diet Nutrition Competition. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, February 2020.