Mo Baoqing



Associated Professor of  Department of  Nutrition and Food Hygiene,School of  Public Health,

Nanjing Medical University

Member of Chinese Nutrition Society

莫宝庆, 博士教授

Baoqing MO, MD, PhD


Research Interest

Human nutrition 

Hygienic problem during food storage and its preventions



Nanjing Medical College, Preventive Medicine, B.S. (1981.9-1986.7)

Nanjing Medical College, Nutrition and Food Hygiene, M.S. (1986.9-1989.7)

Nanjing Medical University, Child Health Care, Ph.D. (1997.9-2001.6)


Ongoing Research Projects

Nutritional supplements use among the college students


Selected Papers 

1.MO BQ,ZHU HJ,XIAO L. Changes in nutritional and hygienic quality of apples stored at different temperatures. Chin J Health Lab Technol 2012,Jan;22(1):125-128.

2.MO BQ, ZHOU M. Effect of the acquisition pattern for nutritional knowledge on food collocation among students. Chin J Sch Health, 2019, Feb;40(2):221-227.

3.WEI JJ,MO BQ,LI CH, ZOU LY. Status of BMI in the Aged in Nanjing and the Recommended Range. Occup Health Dam, 2018, Aug;33(4):195-198.