Associate Professor of Occupationaland Environmental Health
Member of China Toxicology Society
Senior Member of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences
Supervisor of Jiangsu Province Environmental Mutagen Society
Dongmei Wu, MD,PhD
Research Interest
Environment, Genetic/Epigenetic and Cancer
Environmental Pollution and Human Health
Nanjing Railway Medical College, Nanjing,China, Preventive Medicine, B.S.(1994.9-1999.7)
Southeast University, Nanjing, China,Occupational Medicine and Environment Health,M.S. (1999.9-2002.7)
Nanjing Medical College, Nanjing,China, Occupational Medicine and Environment Health,Ph.D. (2007.9-2011.7)
Selected Papers
Yuan C, Ding G, Li T, Chu H, Wang M, Hua Q, Ni C, Zhang Z, Wu D.Analysis of Indoor and Outdoor PM2.5 Concentrations in aUniversity of Nanjing. J Environ Occup Med. 2016, 33(7): 670-674.(Correspondence-author)
Wang Y, Zhao Y, Wang L, Wang N, Fei K, Ni C, Zhang Q, Wu D.Investigation of Tea Drinking Status in Nanjing Medical University.Chinese Journal of school health. 2016, 3710-b7.(Correspondence-author)
Wu D, Zhao Y, Hua Q, Yan B, Wang Y, Wang P, Chu H, Wang M, Tong N,Zhang Q, Ni C, Chen X, Zhang Z. Study on tea fluoride content andtoxicity. Academic annual conference of the China EnvironmentalScience Society. 2015, 148-149. (first-author)
Wu D, Zhu H, Zhao Q, Zhang Z, Wang S, Wang M, Gong W, Tan M, ZhangZ. Genetic variation in the SMAD4 gene and gastric cancersusceptibility. World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Nov 28;16(44):5635-41.
Wu D, Tian Y, Gong W, Zhu H, Tan M, Wu H, Zhang Z. Genetic variantsin the Runt-related transcription factor 3 gene contribute togastric cancer risk in a Chinese population. Cancer Sci, 2009Sep;100(9):1688-94.