Research Interest
Analytical method development and validation
Human exposome with advanced mass spectrometric techniques
Human metabolism of new chemicalsusing in vitro hepatic models
Chirality of environmental chemicals (behavior, activity and adverse outcomes)
Jilin Agricultural University, Applied Chemistry B.S. (2010.9-2014.7)
Nanjing Agricultural University, Pesticide Science, Ph.D. (2014.9-2021.7)
The University of Antwerp, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences-Toxicological Centre, Antwerpen, Belgium,JointPh.D. student (2019.9-2020.12)
Selected Papers
Gao BB,Zhao SS, Shi HY, Zhang ZX, Li LS, He ZZ, Wen Y, Covaci A, Wang MH*.Enantioselective disposition and metabolic products ofisofenphos-methyl in rats and the hepatotoxic effects. EnvironmentInternational. 2020; 143: 105940.
Gao BB,Zhao SS, Zhang ZX, Li LS, Hu KM, Kaziem A, He ZZ, Hua XD, Shi HY,Wang MH*. A potential biomarker of isofenphos-methyl in humans: Achiral view. Environment International. 2019; 127: 694-703.
Gao BB,Zhang ZX, Li LS, Kaziem A, He ZZ, Yang QW, Qing PY, Zhang Q, WangMH*. Stereoselective environmental behavior and biological effect ofthe chiral organophosphorus insecticide isofenphos-methyl. Scienceof the Total Environment. 2019; 648: 703-710.
Gao BB,Poma G, Malarvannan G, Bastiaensen M, Covaci A*. (2021) Developmentof an analytical method based on solid-phase extraction and LC-MS/MSfor the monitoring of current-use pesticides and their metabolitesin human urine. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2021; 111:153-163.
Gao BB,Zhang Q, Tian MM, Zhang ZX, Wang MH*. Enantioselective determinationof the chiral pesticide isofenphos-methyl in vegetables, fruits, andsoil and its enantioselective degradation in pakchoi using HPLC withUV detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2016; 408:6719-6727.