Qi Hong


Qi Hong, master, lecturer.

Secretary of Department of  Toxicology



Research Interest :

Molecular toxicology


B.Sin PreventiveMedicine, 1996-2001,Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, PR China

MA.Sin Toxicology, 2001-2004,Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, PR China

Working Experiences

Lecturer, 2004-now,Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, PR China.Undertake the teaching of toxicology, modern toxicology and othercourses

Ongoing Research Projects

circRNA_HIPK3 mediates the secretion of matrix metalloproteinase bymacrophages through mir-224 in smoking induced emphysema and itsintervention. NSFC,81973005

Selected Papers

  1. H.Qi, Y. Liu, L. Wu, C. Liu, S. Ni, Q. Liu, X. Ni, Q. Sun, Mg-HA-C/CComposites Promote Osteogenic Differentiation and Repair BoneDefects Through Inhibiting miR-16, Front Bioeng Biotechnol 10 (2022)838842.

  2. QiH, Liu Y, Wu L, Ni S, Sun J, Xue J, Liu Q, Ni X, Fan W.MicroRNA-16, via FGF2 Regulation of the ERK/MAPK Pathway, IsInvolved in the Magnesium-Promoted Osteogenic Differentiation ofMesenchymal Stem Cells. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2020, 2020:3894926.

  3. QiH, Wu H Y. Effect of surface modification of pure Ti on tribologicaland biological properties of bone tissue. Surface Engineering, 2013,29(4): 300-305.