Dean'sAssistant,School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University
Associate Department Chair of Department of Toxicology, Nanjing Medical University
Professor of Toxicology
Secretary General of Jiangsu Society of Toxicology
Wei WU,PhD
Research Interest
Genetic/Epigeneticand Male Reproductive Health, Reproductive Toxicology, PregnancyComplications, Abnormal Birth Outcomes, Epigenetics and Fetal Growth,Reproductive Epidemiology, and Environmental Epidemiology.
Nanjing Medical University, Preventive Medicine, B.S. (2002.9-2007.7)
Nanjing Medical University, Toxicology, Ph.D. (2007.9-2012.7)
Nanjing Medical University, Reproductive Medicine, Postdoc. (2012.10-2016.9)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Epidemiology,Guest Researcher (2017.11-2018.11)
Honors and Awards:
2022 333 project of Jiangsuprovince (Third Class)
2022 The second prize of the17th 'Challenge Cup' National College StudentsExtracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition
2021 The Grand Prize of the 17th'Challenge Cup' National College Students ExtracurricularAcademic Science and Technology Works Competition of Jiangsu Province
2021 The third prize of the 17th'Challenge Cup' National Competition 'Black Scienceand Technology' Special Competition of Jiangsu Province
2020 Ministry of Education FokYing Tung Young Teachers' Award
2019 Publons 2019 Peer ReviewAwards: the top 1% of reviewers in Crossfield
2019 Publons 2019 Peer ReviewAwards: the top 1% of reviewers in Clinical Medicine
2019 Teaching achievement awardof Nanjing Medical University
2018 Publons 2018 Peer ReviewAwards: the top 1% of reviewers in Clinical Medicine
2017 Excellent paper prize ofthe eighth national toxicology conference of Chinese Society ofToxicology
2017 Young excellent thesisreport award of the third annual conference on alternative methodsand translational toxicology (international)
2017 First prize in nationalmicro class teaching competition
Ongoing Research Projects
PI, MajorProject of Natural Science Research in Jiangsu Province Colleges andUniversities in 2020: the role of miR-206/Ehhadh in theintergenerational inheritance of spermatogenesis from exposure topregnancy DBP and its mechanism, 20KJA330001
PI,Medical Research Project of Jiangsu Health and Health Commission:study on the mechanism of transgenerational inheritance ofspermatogenesis induced by metabolic pathway changes in intrauterineDBP exposure, Z2019010
PI,Jiangsu Health Research Institute 2022 annual decision-makingconsultation and cultivation project: Study on supporting measuresto improving three-child policy in Jiangsu Province
PI, KeyLaboratory of National Health Commission and Jiangsu ProvincialHealth Development Research Center Open subject in 2021:Researchand countermeasures on the capacity improvement of maternal andchild health care service system, JSHD2021047
Selected Papers
Cheng Y,Tang Q, Lu Y, Li M, Zhou Y, Wu P, Li J, Pan F, Han X, Chen M, Lu C,Wang X, WuW(corresponding author),Xia Y. Semen quality and sperm DNA methylation in relation tolong-term exposure to air pollution in fertile men: Across-sectional study. EnvironmentalPollution.2022; 300 (2022) 118994.
WuW(co-corresponding author),Chen Y, Cheng Y, Tang Q, Pan F, Tang N, Sun Z, Wang X, London SJ,Xia Y. Association between ambient particulate matter exposure andsemen quality in fertile men. EnvironmentalHealth.2022; 21(1):16.
Guo D,Jiang H, Chen Y, Yang J, Fu Z, Li J, Han X, Wu X, Xia Y, Wang X,Chen L, Tang Q, WuW (corresponding author).Elevated microRNA-141-3p in placenta of non-diabetic macrosomiaregulate trophoblast proliferation. EBioMedicine.2018; 38:154-161. (CoverArticle)
Yuan B, WuW (co-corresponding author),Chen M, Gu H, Tang Q, Guo D, Chen T, Chen Y, Lu C, Song L, Xia Y,Chen D, Rehan V, Sha J, Wang X. From the Cover:Metabolomicsreveals a role of betaine in prenatal DBP exposure-inducedepigenetic transgenerational failure of spermatogenesis in rats.Toxicological Sciences.2017; 158 (2):356-366. (Cover Article)