Jiao Yang


Yang Jiao

Sex: Male

Title/Position: Lecturer

Current Mailing Address: Department of Microbiology and Infection, Nanjing Medical University, 101 Longmian Av., Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 211166, P.R. China.

Email: yangjiao@njmu.edu.cn




2019.07 - 2022.09 Post-doctoral

State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity

Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology(Beijing, China)

Major: Microbiology

2016.06 2017.08 Visiting scholar

College of Medicine

University of Illinois at Chicago (Chicago, IL, USA)

Major: Microbiology and Immunology

2012.09 2018.12 Ph.D in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology

College of Veterinary Medicine

Yangzhou University (Jiangsu, China)

Major: Preventive Veterinary Medicine

2008.09 – 2012.07 Bachelor of Science

College of Bioscience and Biotechnology

Yangzhou University (Jiangsu, China)

Major: Biotechnology


Research Interests:


Our research interests are (1) host-microbe interactions in Zoonoses and (2) autophagy and mitochondrion in infection


Selected Publications:


1. Jiao Y#, Cao SY#, Zhang Y, Tan YF, Zhou YZ, Wang T, You Y, Chen HY, Ren YF, Yang RF*, Du ZM*. Yersinia pestis induced mitophagy that balances the mitochondrial homeostasis and mROS-mediated bactericidal activity [J]. Microbiol Spectr. 2022, 10(3):e0071822.

2. Cao SY#, Jiao Y#, Jiang W, You Y, Qin S, Wu YR, Tan YF, Guo X, Chen HY, Zhang Y, Wu GS, Wang T, Zhou YZ, Cui YJ, Song YJ, Shao F, Yang RF*, Du ZM*. Subversion of GBP-mediated host defense by E3 ligases acquired during Yersinia pestis evolution [J]. Nat Commun. 2022, 13(1):4526.

3. Jiao Y#, Zhang YG, Lin ZJ, Lu R, Xia YL, Meng C, Pan ZM, XU XL, Jiao XA, Sun J*. Salmonella Enteritidis effector AvrA suppresses autophagy by reducing Beclin-1 protein [J]. Front Immunol. 2020, 17: 686.

4. Jiao Y#, Sun J*. Bacterial manipulation of autophagic responses in infection and inflammation [J]. Front Immunol, 2019, 10: 2821.

5. Jiao Y#, Xia ZM, Zhou XH, Guo YX, Guo RX, Kang XL, Wu KY, Sun J, Xu XL, Jiao XA, Pan ZM*, Liu XF*. Signature-tagged mutagenesis screening revealed the role of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis gene rfbH in smooth-to-rough transition in Salmonella Enteritidis [J]. Microbiol Res, 2018, 212-213: 75-79.

6. Jiao Y, Guo RX, Tang PP, Kang XL, Yin JL, Wu KY, Geng SZ, Li QC, Sun J, Xu XL, Zhou XH, Gan JJ, Jiao XA, Liu XF, Pan ZM. Signature-tagged mutagenesis screening revealed a novel smooth-to-rough transition determinant of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis [J]. BMC Microbiol, 2017, 17(1): 48.


Meeting Report:


2017.05.06: Digestive Disease Week® (DDW), Chicago, IL, USA. Oral presentation, Salmonella Enteritidis effector protein AvrA inhibits Beclin-1-dependent autophagy (Abstract was indexed by Gastroenterology, 2017, 152(5): S200).